Video Book report
Learning Target(s):
After reading Wab Kinew's "The Reason You Walk" spend some time reflecting on the themes presented. Are these themes noticeably different than what you have read in other non-Indigenous literature? Were you able to notice other literary differences such as with the narrative structure, character development, or style etc? Was there an emphasis placed on protocol or did the author embed Indigenous words in the text?
Your job here will be to choose 5 artifacts that represent different pivotal points in Wab's life as presented in "The Reason You Walk." You will have to do some research on the cultural significance of certain items such as the buffalo skull or the sage used for smudging.
This assignment will require outside research. Keep in mind the protocols surrounding some of the stories you may hear or information you may find. Be sure to cite all sources of information using the MLA format.
Review the plagiarism rules before you begin.
Write a script where you spend 30 seconds to 1 minute discussing the relevance of each artifact and how they connect to Wab's journey. Making connections to your own life will help to make this meaningful.
Record a 2.5 to a 5-minute video where you show and discuss your chosen artifacts.
Submit your references, script and, your video recording (MP4)
Uploading your video to Youtube and providing the link is the easiest way to submit your video. Here is a link to a tutorial on how to do that: Youtube Tutorial
This is where you will upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
You will upload the file containing your assignment.
Name the file with your name and the title. eg. Sally Brown Infographic Response
Click Add submission.
The Online Text box is used for brief comments or to paste your link to a shareable document. If you are using google docs, please select 'get shareable link' and then 'anyone with link can edit' and then 'copy link'. Use the chain icon in the online text box to create a hyperlink. Do not use the online text box to paste your whole assignment.
Or, upload the file containing your assignment under File submission.
Click Save changes.