1.3 Assignment - Case Study Social Skills

Required:  Respond to 4 of the following 6 Task Cards.  Each task card must answer the questions below.

Task Card Discussion Questions

Imagine a challenging situation.  What is the problem?  How might you feel?  How might someone else feel?  What are your options as to how you could react?

What would be the consequences for those reactions?  How might one respond to those consequences?  Why?  What can you learn from this situation?

Task Card One

Your best friend recently stopped returning your texts or phone calls and you’re not sure why.  What do you do?

Task Card Two

Your parents tell you that you are grounded until you can get your grades up to all B’s.  What do you do?

Task Card Three

You are in a bad mood and your parent asks you how your day was.  What do you do?

Task Card Four

In science lab, you just got partnered up with someone that you don’t get along with at all.  What do you do?

Task Card Five

You need to pick a science research topic.  When you tell the teacher your topic that you’ve already started researching, he says the topic has already been chosen and you need to pick a new one.  What do you do?

Task Card Six

Someone from your town befriends you.  You don’t know that person but he/she is from your same town.  They ask for your address.  What do you do?

Submit to Assignment - Case Study Social Skills link in this section of the course for grading by your teacher.

Work will be graded based on the following rubric.

Identification of main problem/issue


Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issue/problem in the case study

4 points

Identifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the issue/problem

3 points

Identifies and demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the issue/problem

2 points

Does not clearly identify the problem/issue for this case study

1 points

Does not identify issue/problem

0 point

Analysis and Evaluation of Issue/Problem


Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all identified issues/problem

4 points

Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issues identified

3 points

Presents a satisfactory analysis of the issues identified, but there are missing items

2 points

Presents a superficial or incomplete analysis of some of the identified issue(s)

1 point

No analysis or evaluation provided

0 point

Recommendations of Effective Solutions/Strategies


Provides recommendations based on evidence provided in the case study

4 points

Provides recommendations with limited reasoning and evidence from the case study

3 points

Provides hasty recommendations without thought to the case study

2 points

Little or no action suggest and/or inappropriate solutions proposed to the issue/problem in the case study

1 point

No recommendation made

0 point

Answered each task card thoroughly and accurately


Provides a thorough and accurate response

4 points

Provides a reasonably accurate response

3 points

Provides a satisfactory response with satisfactory accuracy

2 points

Provides little or no response to questions and lacks accuracy

1 point


0 points

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics


Free of errors

4 points

Occasional grammar, spelling and/or mechanical errors

3 points

More than 4 errors in grammar, spelling and/or mechanics

2 points

More than 6 errors in grammar, spelling, and /or mechanics

1 point


0 point

Attach your file here.