2.3 Assignment - Who Am I Survey
You started a presentation "WHO AM I" in Career Life Education in Grade 10. Use that presentation (if you wish) to show changes.
In an attractive format, or build on your presentation started in Career Life Education to show changes after you update the surveys.
Suggested formats you may wish to use include a word document, powerpoint, video, slideshare, poster.
Assess your personal transferable skills and identify the missing skills.
- Login to (My Blueprint)
- Select "WHO AM I?" This may have been started in Career Education.
- Complete or update each survey: Learning Styles, Personality, Interests, Knowledge, Motivation, Compatibility
- Transfer survey results to your portfolio.
- Summarize the findings of each survey.
- Summarize the suggested occupations.
- Summarize the suggested post-secondary programs.
Content | Criteria components have not been met. Read, review and apply all project components. 0 points |
describes and demonstrates a minimal understanding of themselves 1 point |
describes and demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of themselves 2 points |
describes and demonstrates a good understanding of themselves 3 points |
describes and demonstrates an excellent understanding of themselves 4 points |
Personal Relevance | Criteria components have not been met. Read, review and apply all project components. 0 points |
demonstrates a minimal understanding of the personal relevance of the choices made 1 point |
demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the personal relevance of the choices made 2 points |
demonstrates a good understanding of the personal relevance of the choices made 3 points |
demonstrates an excellent understanding of the personal relevance of the choices made 4 points |
Proper Terminology | Incomplete. Criteria components have not been met. Read, review and apply all project components. 0 points |
demonstrates a minimal understanding of key terms from this unit 1 point |
demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of using key terms from this unit 2 points |
demonstrates a good understanding of using key terms from this unit 3 points |
demonstrates an excellent understanding of using key terms from this unit. 4 points |
Presentation | Criteria components have not been met. Read, review and apply all project components. 0 points |
Presentation has minimal effort, creativity and accuracy. 1 point |
Presentation is somewhat appealing. Student demonstrates satisfactory effort, creativity and accuracy. 2 points |
Presentation is appealing. Student demonstrates good effort, creativity and accuracy. 3 points |
Presentation is visually stunning. Student demonstrates excellent effort, creativity and accuracy. 4 points |
Use "Assignment: Update Who Am I" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment for marking.
Upload this assignment to your portfolio.
Submit assignment here.