3.1 Assignment - Everyone Has a Culture


Create your own table, or copy the table below. Make sure all the information is on the table when submitting for marking

Write one sentence or phrase about each topic. Then rate each (1-10, 10 being the highest) topic according to what value this topic has in your culture.

Everyone Has a Culture – Everyone Is Different




What language do you speak?

What is your religion?

What music do you listen to?

What dances do you know?

What foods do you eat at home?

What do you wear on speak occasions?

What holidays or ceremonies are important?

What is most important to you?

What things do you believe are right and wrong?

The name of my culture is ?

Submit to Assignment - Everyone Has a Culture link found within this section of the course to be upload for grading by your teacher.

Assessment will be based on the rubric below.

Provides Rationale

Provides pertinent reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.

4 points

Provides relevant reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.

3 points

Provides general reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.

2 points

Provides superficial reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.

1 point

Does not provides reasons for evaluating questions.

0 points

Clarity in Answers

Answers to questions are clearly stated and understood.

4 points

Answers to questions are mostly clear.

3 points.

Answers to questions lack clarity and detail.

2 points

Student did not complete the questions and answers are unclear.

1 point


0 points


Student demonstrates full knowledge by answering questions with explanation and elaboration.

4 points

Student demonstrates knowledge by answering questions with explanation and elaboration.

3 points

Student show adequate knowledge by answering questions with few details or elaborations.

2 points

Student shows little knowledge by answering questions with little to no detail or elaboration.

1 point


0 points

Spelling and/or grammar errors.

No misspellings or grammar errors.

4 points

Some misspelling, 1-2 grammar errors.

3 points

Some misspelling, 3-4 grammar errors.

2 points

Misspelling of more than 4 spelling mistakes and, several grammatical errors.

1 point


0 points