4.2 Activity - Introducting Your Mentor

Required:  Each student has a school facilitator but an outside mentor is also mandatory.  This assignment requires you to introduce your mentor by answering the questions below. The questions will be submitted as an activity within this course as well as to your Capstone Project portfolio.

Open your Capstone Portfolio + Box.  Of the three choices select, Add Media .   Upload a picture of your school facilitator and a picture of your outside mentor as well.  You may do a video recording of your interview with your mentor(s) and upload this to your Capstone Portfolio.

  1. Name your mentor and explain where he/she works and his/her position.
  2. How did you meet your mentor?
  3. What career path did your mentor take?
  4. What skills would you like your mentor to help you develop?
  5. How will your mentor contribute in helping you develop your Capstone Project?

As well as uploading the introduction of your mentor to your Capstone Portfolio, also

Submit Activity - Introducing Your Mentor to the link in the section of the course for grading by your teacher.

Work will be assessed based on the following rubric.


Clarity of Introduction


Answers to questions are clearly stated and understood, and mentor has been respectfully and thoughtfully introduced.

4 points

Answers to questions are mostly clear, and mentor has been satisfactorily introduced.

3 points.

Answers to questions lack clarity and detail, and the mentor was not respectfully or thoughtfully introduced.

2 points

Student did not complete the questions and answers are unclear and introduction is incomplete.

1 point


0 points



Student demonstrates full knowledge of the importance of a mentor.

4 points

Student demonstrates knowledge of the importance of a mentor.

3 points

Student show adequate knowledge of the importance of a mentor.

2 points

Student shows little knowledge of the importance of a mentor.

1 point


0 points

Spelling and/or grammar errors.

No misspellings or grammar errors. 

4 points

Some misspelling, 1-2 grammar errors.

3 points

Some misspelling, 3-4 grammar errors.

2 points


More than 4 spelling mistakes and, several grammatical errors.

1 point


0 points

Attach your file here.