Assignment - Core Competencies
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- Click home and select Portfolio.
- Open your Capstone Portfolio.
- Add a box.
- Select Journal -
- Think about the following questions and respond in your journal. Add a piece of media to your journal as evidence.
- Consider what you have done this school year, what artifact demonstrates your strengths within each one of the core competencies? (communication, thinking, personal and social)
- Communication: How do you share information with others? Tell a time you used feedback to improve your learning. What does effective group work look like?
- Critical Thinking: How did you incorporate other people's ideas/perspectives? How do you know that you were successful in completing a school assignment?
- Creative thinking: Where do your ideas come from? How have you used other people's ideas to support your thinking? Describe a time when you helped build upon the ideas of others.
- Personal awareness and responsibility: What treasures of gifts do you bring to your classroom/school community? Give an example of a personal strength (academic or personal). How do you take ownership of feelings and emotions?
- Social Responsibility: Talk about a time you made sure everyone was included. Share a time when you used kind questions to learn something from another person.
- Positive personal and cultural identity: What makes you unique? How do you learn best? What is important to you?
Submit Assignment - Core Competencies to the link found in this section of the course to be grade by your teacher.
Send an online text to your teacher that you have sent the assignment to your portfolio. The online text is necessary to activate the mark.
Work will be graded on the following rubric:
Content |
Selected items that are important and help make content interesting; the details focus on the most important information. Choices help the reader see things in a new way. 4 points |
Selected items that are important in discussing the activities for the week; the details help the reader see things about the items in interesting ways. 3 points |
Selected items and details that discuss the activities for the week, but they are not very important.
2 points |
Selected items and details that are not important or relevant.
1 point |
Comprehensibility |
Can understand all of what is being communicated. 4 points |
Can understand most of what is being communicated. 3 points |
Can understand less than half of what is being communicated. 2 points |
Can understand little of what is being communicated. 1 point |
Organization |
Journal entry is logical and effective. 4 points |
Journal entry is generally logical and effective with a few minor problems. 3 points |
Journal entry is somewhat illogical and confusing in places. 2 points |
Journal entry lacks logical order and organization. 1 point |
Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, and Sentence Structure |
Journal is highly polished; no grammar or spelling errors. 4 points |
Journal is polished; maximum of one grammar or spelling error. 3 points |
Journal is adequate; maximum of two grammar or spelling errors. 2 points |
Inadequate discussion; more than two spelling or grammar errors. 1 point |
Notify your teacher here that your journal is complete