5.3 Assignment - Extra-Curricular Activities


  1. Login to www.myblueprint.ca
  2. Open your Capstone Project portfolio.
  3. Add a box and select journals.
  4. Write a journal entry detailing how your extra-curricular activities (volunteering, work experience, athletics, clubs etc) have had an impact on future aspirations.  Add a picture related on three different activities.
  5. What was your favourite extra-curricular activity?
  6. Do you wish you were more involved?
  7. What were the top 3 skills you developed when participating in extra-curricular activities?
  8. What do you know now about the importance of being involved in the community that you could pass on to younger students.

Send an online text to your teacher that you have sent the assignment to your portfolio.  The online text is necessary to activate the mark.

Work will be marked on the following rubric:

Provides Rationale

Provides pertinent reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.

4 points

Provides relevant reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.

3 points

Provides general reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.

2 points

Provides superficial reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.

1 point

Does not provides reasons for evaluating questions.

0 points


Clarity in Answers


Answers to questions are clearly stated and understood.

4 points

Answers to questions are mostly clear.

3 points.

Answers to questions lack clarity and detail.

2 points

Student did not complete the questions and answers are unclear.

1 point


0 points



Student demonstrates full knowledge by answering questions with explanation, evidence and elaboration.

4 points

Student demonstrates knowledge by answering questions with explanation, evidence and elaboration.

3 points

Student show adequate knowledge by answering questions with few details,  evidence or elaborations.

2 points

Student shows little knowledge by answering questions with little to no detail or elaboration.

1 point


0 points

Spelling and/or grammar errors.

No misspellings or grammar errors. 

4 points

Some misspelling, 1-2 grammar errors.

3 points

Some misspelling, 3-4 grammar errors.

2 points


Misspelling of more than 4 spelling mistakes and, several grammatical errors.

1 point


0 points

Submit here.