1.8 PROJECT: Communicating Change
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is reconciliation important?
You will be creating your project for our grandparents' or for some great-grandparents' generation. (Those born roughly in 1960 or earlier). This generation, when they were your age, may not have been privileged to have had open dialogue on issues such as this. In many cases, this situation was perfectly acceptable; it wasn't considered an issue at all. So, how would we communicate the topic of Aboriginal Reconciliation in Canada through our modern lense, in a way that previous generations would understand? Be sure you review the background information in book called Unit 1 PROJECT and Big Idea Reflection found on the main page of the course. A few points to consider as you prepare your project:
- Maintain a respectful approach so that you are not scolding this generation, but helping them to see our new understanding.
- Use formal vocabulary and structure so that your communication is mature and thoughtful.
Course Specific Projects:
Below you will see handouts outlining the project specific to each of the five different focus areas in ELA11. Please download the handout that corresponds to your enrolled course. You must only complete the project that corresponds to your course.
Assignment details:
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target(s): Exemplary (6/6): Final product demonstrates a rich understanding of diversity within and across First Peoples societies, as well as the diverse perspectives of modern Canadians. This understanding results from thorough research and close analysis of text which is presented in a bibliography with accurate MLA formatting. Ideas are communicated clearly and respectfully, acknowledging the sensitivity of the given topic, in order to build a shared understanding.
Ideas/Content: Exemplary (6/6): Exemplary comprehension of project expectations. Final product represents all elements of the task. Exemplary development and presentation of ideas. Content is clear, concise and true. Accomplishes the purpose with originality, individuality, maturity, and sophistication.
Reflection and Insight: Exemplary (6/6): Complex connections and original ideas are included in a thoughtful response that includes specific examples of the student’s learning process and growth, which has been the result of informed, fact-based, data-driven research.
Conventions/Sentence Fluency: Exemplary (6/6): Sentence structure and vocabulary are varied, skillfully written (or spoken), and carefully chosen. Final product shows maturity in vocabulary, structure, and organization. Reflection on the quality of writing is evident, resulting in few or no errors.
Estimated Allotted Time: 2-3 hours
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You will upload the file (.docx, .pdf, .png, .ppt, etc..) containing your assignment.
Name the file with your name and the title. eg. First name Last name Communicating Change
- Click Add submission.
- Upload the file containing your assignment under File submission.
- Click Save changes.
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