4.3 Evaluate and Defend


Choose an article from this online news site and compose an argument for both sides of the issue.  Complete your assignment with a self assessment evaluating which argument is stronger and, using the skills from the previous lessons, defend your thinking.

Each argument should include:

  • facts/ quotes/ evidence to support
  • emotions
  • concerns
  • fears
  • consideration of bias, contradictions, distortions, and omissions
  • information that might help both parties better understand each other
  • a citation (MLA format) for the article you are referring to.

*Note: This is not intended to be a research assignment.  Any additional research you complete will be for your own advancement.

Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.

Learning Target(s): Exemplary (6/6): Students can reflect on the importance of considering multiple perspectives and write from multiple perspectives on an issue.  Responses are expressed and supported with evidence, with recognition of bias, contradictions, distortions, and omissions.  Students can demonstrate an understanding of the role of personal, social and cultural contexts, values and perspectives.  Arguments show complexity and insight; are skillfully written and utilize techniques and devices.  Citation is correctly formatted.

Written Expression: Exemplary (6/6):  Work has been proofread and there are no errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar. Content is complete to assignment requirements and shows specific and thoughtful connections and responses.

Estimated Allotted Time: 45 minutes


This is where you will upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.

You will upload the file (.docx, .pdf, .png, .ppt, etc.) containing your assignment.  

Name the file with your name and the title.  eg. First name Last name Evaluate and Defend

    • Click Add submission.
    • Upload the file containing your assignment under File submission.
    • Click Save changes.

OR provide the shareable link from your google drive in the online text box.