5.5 PROJECT: Sales Pitch
For this project, develop a project that clearly communicates the role of an aspiring writer. Develop the outline of a speculative narrative that imagines a future where a current world “issue” has developed. Outline your idea in formal plot structure (Review Assignment 5.2 and Class Handouts for plot). Then present and pitch your idea to a publisher, producer dept. head, etc. to promote a: novel, graphic novel, podcast, course syllabus, movie, or storytelling website project that you have developed. Incorporate both narrative and persuasive styles of writing. Be sure you review the book called Unit 5 PROJECT found on the main page of the course.
Step 1: Decide on a current world issue. Research speculative fiction ideas. Brainstorm your narrative.
Step 2: Create a plot outline of your story. You don't have to write out the whole story, only the main points. However, it is at this point that it is essential that you remember the main structure of the short story. Make sure you develop your characters and your plot!! What is the theme of your narrative? What is the primary conflict? You are not limited to the plot outline template; in fact, you should develop it beyond what is presented. Personalize your narrative. You could start with a random plot generator.
Step 2: Write a short backstory or synopsis that summarizes your narrative in a single paragraph.
Step 3: Using persuasive language, sell your story. Develop and record a sales pitch that includes all the elements of your narrative. Review Assignment 3.6 for effective performance techniques.
Course Specific Projects:
Below you will see handouts outlining the project specific to each of the five different focus areas in ELA11. Please download the handout that corresponds to your enrolled course. You must only complete the project that corresponds to your course.
Assignment details:
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target(s): Exemplary (6/6): Final project demonstrates an exemplary ability to transform ideas and information to create original texts, using various genres, forms, structures, and styles. There is clear evidence of digital and multimedia writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful literary, imaginative, and information texts. Final product demonstrates a rich understanding of speculative fiction and narrative writing processes which include setting, plot, characters, and theme.
Ideas/Content: Exemplary (6/6): Exemplary comprehension of project expectations. Final product represents all elements of the task. Exemplary development and presentation of ideas. Content is clear, concise and true. Ideas are communicated clearly and respectfully and based on loose research to current world "issues". Accomplishes the purpose with originality, individuality, maturity, and sophistication.
Oral Presentation: Exemplary (6/6): Final product is of professional quality and demonstrates effective speaking skills in a formal context to persuade an audience including appropriate tone, clarity of speech, enthusiasm, and suitable speed. Spoken word can be clearly heard without distraction and is delivered with appropriate passion and inflection to support the pitch. Presentation is delivered in an engaging, persuasive, and informative manner.
Conventions/Sentence Fluency: Exemplary (6/6): Sentence structure and vocabulary are varied, skillfully written (or spoken), and carefully chosen. Composition shows maturity in vocabulary, structure, and organization. Reflection on the quality of writing is evident, resulting in few or no errors.
Estimated Allotted Time: 2-3 hours
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Name the file with your name and the title. eg. First name Last name Sales Pitch
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