Assignment: Analyzing a Menu

For this assignment, you will compare two meals and include the following factors in your response:

  • nutrition
  • lifestyle
  • resources
  • cost
  • people
  • colour
  • time
  • temperature
  • texture
  • flavour combinations

Use the following two dinner menus. Write three paragraphs. Your total mark is out of 20 for this assignment. 

  • Paragraph 1: Assess Dinner One by referring to all of the above factors and what you have learned about planning a menu.
  • Paragraph 2: Assess Dinner Two by referring to all of the above factors and what you have learned about planning a menu.
  • Paragraph 3: Compare the dinners and explain which meal would be the best and why.  

Dinner One consists of baked potatoes, pork chops, green beans, wholewheat buns, and a glass of milk.

bake potaotospork chopsbeansbunsmilk

Dinner Two consists of mashed potatoes, baked halibut, steamed cauliflower, sliced french bread, and a glass of milk.


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