Personal and Social Responsibility
Summary Explanation of Assignments
Here is a quick overview of the assignments for this unit. However, be sure you read over the specific assignment instructions that follow for each one. Review the marking rubrics for the assignments before you start.
ASSIGNMENT 1: The Strength of the Human Spirit
Students will learn about and summarize methods of persuasion through a variety of influential speakers and writers.
ASSIGNMENT 2: Evaluate and Defend
Perspective is everything. Do your research and argue for both sides of an issue.
ASSIGNMENT 3: Pitch for Change Campaign
Create an elevator pitch to propose a solution to a current world issue.
ASSIGNMENT 4: Effective Editorial
Learn from a member of the editorial board at USA Today how to write an effective editorial by reading and analyzing an example and then get a chance to evaluate an articles effectiveness.
ASSIGNMENT 5: What's the Issue? FORUM
Pose a strongly worded question in the forum for others to discuss and add a response to another thread using the persuasive techniques you have learned.
ASSIGNMENT 6: Final Project
Students will create a project based on their chosen course that they are passionate about. Students will Identify a problem and present how it might be solved.
ASSIGNMENT 7: Big Idea Reflection #3
Students will write a journal to reflect on their understanding of one of the Big Ideas from the ELA 11 course curriculum.