Personal and Social Responsibility
ASSIGNMENT 4.5: What's the Issue? FORUM
Learning Target(s):
Pose a strongly worded question in the forum for others to discuss and add a response to another thread using the persuasive techniques you have learned.
Using the strategies you have learned in this unit, pose a persuasive statement/question for others to comment. Also, in looking through questions posed by others, offer your opinion (think thesis statement) considering how to be both persuasive and clear within a sentence or two.
Your statement/question should be focused on current issues that you feel passionate about. but also an issue that others can engage in with a high level of emotional connection.
Some issues you might consider:
- Attitudes towards people with disabilities and measures to improve their lives
- Abortions
- Army women
- Death penalty and society
- Euthanasia
- Gay marriage and the possibility of adopting children
- Divisions of labour depending on gender
- Gender differences in salary
- Unemployment in the country
- The problem of homelessness and its solutions
Be sure you:
- Post your example as described above by clicking Add a New Question.
- Reply/Respond to your classmates' examples by clicking on their topic and selecting Reply. Try using the following prompts to guide your response to another post: "I wonder...", "I know...", "I can...".
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target(s): Exemplary (6/6):Students can demonstrate their ability to respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understandings and extend thinking. Students will clearly articulate a strong thesis statement/question that demonstrates their passion for an issue but also an issue that others can engage in with a high level of emotional connection.
Written Expression: Exemplary (6/6): Sentence structure and vocabulary are skillfully written and carefully chosen. Work has been proofread and there are no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation or grammar. Content is complete to assignment requirements and makes insightful, mature connections with logical information and inclusions.
Use the"4.5 FORUM: What's the Issue?"link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your forum contribution by clicking on "Add a New Question" in the forum. Do not submit to the TEACHER ONLY dropbox.
Suggested Allotted Time: 30 min.