Creative and Critical Thinking: What If?


  Learning Target(s):

  • Demonstrate effective speaking skills in a formal context to persuade an audience.
  • Transform ideas and information to create original texts, using various genres, forms, structures, and styles.
  • Use digital and multimedia writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful literary, imaginative, and informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Develop a project that clearly communicates the role of an aspiring writer. Present a formal “sales pitch” to a:  publisher, producer dept head, etc., to promote a: novel, graphic novel, podcast, course syllabus, movie, or storytelling website project that you have developed. The pitch will be a short oral and visual presentation followed by a sample of your project (chapter, storyboard, trailer, etc.).  You will write the beginning exposition of your story in a format specific to your chosen course of study.

The Topic: 
Develop a speculative narrative that imagines a future where a current world  “issue” has developed. A hero character is on a journey as a result.


Course Specific Projects:

Below you will see handouts outlining the project specific to your course.  Please download and complete the handout that corresponds to your enrolled course only.


Click on your specific course to download your instructions:

   New Media        Composition/Creative Writing         Spoken Language        Literary Studies   

 Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.   

Part A: Oral Sales Pitch

Learning Target(s):  Exemplary (6/6):  Demonstrates effective speaking skills (including an appropriate tone, clarity of speech, enthusiasm, and suitable speed) that clearly demonstrates preparation and practice of the the pitch.

Ideas and Content: Exemplary (6/6):  The oral pitch includes a greeting, a brief summary of the plot, the context (setting and situation), why the audience/reader would want to see/read your story and a quick wrap-up.

Part B: Narrative Sample

Learning Target:  Exemplary (6/6):  A beginning of a narrative that has an engaging beginning, a short backstory, some dialogue and loose references to some current research. The main character is introduced as well as a conflict.  Literary Studies: A course syllabus with an introduction that accurately references above elements and ties in all texts  chosen with a similar element. 

Style and Conventions: Exemplary (6/6):  Sentence structure is varied and vocabulary is carefully chosen to create vivid description. Dialogue is properly formatted and engaging.   Work has been proofread and there are few or no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.


Use the "5.6 Project Part A - Sales Pitch" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.

Use the "5.6 Project Part B - Writing Sample" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.

Estimated Allotted Time: 2-3 hours