ASSIGNMENT 5 Part 1: Storing Your Research
Learning Target (Curricular Competencies):
Know that you have a good idea of how to find sources more efficiently, and how to decide if they are reliable sources, you need to start to collect your research.
Keep in mind that your topic needs to be fairly narrow. Refer back to your effective searching assignment for a topic you might use or to explore a different environmental issue.
As you are researching you may start to decide how you are going to organize your infographic. You may include subheading that give main facts, present pro and cons, differing opinions by experts, stories or lists of current global projects, more resources etc.
1. First read this article from LifeHacks "Advice for Students: Ten Steps Toward Better Research"
2. Start your research to collect sources and content to use for your infographic. As you are researching your topic start a system of collecting your research. For each source copy the URL so that you can return to the source to create a proper works cited list. As well you may copy and paste quotes you want to use or content that you want to put into your own words later.
The simplest format is just to start a word document and create a list. You might add your own thoughts etc. as you go.
You might make a chart.
You might try an online tool like Noodle Tools (recommended as it will helps with works cited later), Evernote, Diigo .
Assessment and Submission
You will submit this document with your infographic in Assignment 5: Project - Caring for Place