Personal and Social Responsibility

ASSIGNMENT 1: News Report

Learning Target (Curricular Competencies):

  • Transform ideas and information to create original texts. 
  • Demonstrate speaking and listening skills in a variety of formal and informal contexts for a range of purposes.

You are the lead anchor on Global T.V. and you will be reading the headline article.


1.  Research a topic that is in recent news.  Your information must come from at least one article (newspaper, magazine, etc.) and then other sources such as radio, t.v. book, Internet.  Keep a working bibliography.  Record your sources in MLA format.  Don't forget there is a handout on how to do this in Class Handouts at the top of the course.

2.  Fill out the visual organizer on the next page that identifies the 5 Ws and the lead sentence.

3.  Write your report.  Pretend you are putting it on a teleprompter.

4.  Read and record your headline newscast.  Get into your role as a news anchor.

The oral should be about 3 minutes long. You must inform your audience about what is happening (or happened) and demonstrate an understanding about the topic you selected.

***Remember to say things in your own words. Copying words from news stories without using quotation is called plagiarism!


  1. news report
  2. bibliography
  3. recording file

Assessment:  Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.  

Learning Target: (Exemplary 6/6): Exemplary comprehension of the task and clear accomplishment of the objective.  Newscast includes all of the five ws and a lead sentence. 

Oral Presentation: (Exemplary (6/6):  Delivery conveys powerful emotions and appropriate tone using dynamic inflection. Delivery seems natural. Speech is easily understood without mumbling, muttering or stumbling over words. Appears to have been thoroughly rehearsed. Pronunciation is accurate.


Use the "4.1 News Report" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.