Creative and Critical Thinking
ASSIGNMENT 8: PROJECT - Writing a Formal Literary Paragraph
Learning Target (Curricular Competencies):
In this assignment, you are going to respond to another author's writing and write a formal literary response.
Here is an explanation for formal literary responses with an accompanying graphic organizer. Be sure to brainstorm your paragraph response using a graphic organizer. You will submit this evidence of planning with the final literary response.
Since this is a course on literary studies, you can choose a piece of writing from your preferred genre or area of focus to discuss theme in a clear and coherent paragraph of 200-300 words. Make reference to the text in your paragraph. Make sure you provide a link to the text as well as submitting your paragraph. Use the ACE-it paragraph writing strategy which is explained on the next page.
Here is a Literary Analysis Guide with some example paragraphs.
If this is too much choice, and the task is daunting, you might want to do one of the assignments below. There are 2 different readings.
A. Read the poem "Here in Katmandu."
Write a 200-300 word discussion addressing the following:
- What is this poem's theme? State it in a single sentence. What evidence leads you to this conclusion?
- Be sure to refer directly to the poem in your comments.
B. And here is a 2nd option. Only do this choice if you have not done it already.
The Night Chanter by Navarre Scott Momaday (born February 27, 1934) — known as N. Scott Momaday — is a Kiowa novelist, short story writer, essayist, and poet. During the 35-plus years of Momaday's academic career, he built up a reputation specializing in American Indian oral traditions and sacred concepts of the culture itself.
Read Momaday's story and respond to ONE of the following questions:
In paragraph form and with reference to the story...
a) Discuss the relationship between the grandson and Sam Charley.
b) Identify and explain the effect of the point of view used in the story.
c) Explain how the title is appropriate to the story.
Be sure to use the ACE-it paragraph writing strategy you can read about in the next page of this book.
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target: (Exemplary 6/6): Exemplary comprehension of the task and clear accomplishment of the objective. The assignment shows evidence of critical thinking in a thorough literary response. Student clearly communicates creative, critical, and reflective thought. Complex connections and original ideas with specific and relevant references to the text clearly demonstrate the student's ability to respond to literature.
Ideas/Content: (Exemplary 6/6): Content contributes to the central idea and makes insightful connections following logical organization. Ideas generated are thoughtful and unique. Exemplary development of literary response. Content is clear, concise and true. Accomplishes the purpose with originality, individuality, maturity, and sophistication.
Organization/Planning: (Exemplary 6/6): Exemplary evidence of organization and planning in the form of an outline or a graphic organizer. There is a clear assertion and identifiable main idea in response to the selected topic. Exemplary explanation of the citation used to support the assertion. Response follows the ACE-it paragraph writing format leading to a logical conclusion.
Written Expression: Exemplary (6/6): Sentence structure and vocabulary are varied, skillfully written, and carefully chosen. Work has been proofread and there are few or no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Composition shows maturity in vocabulary, structure, and editing.
Use the "1.8 PROJECT: Writing a Literary Response" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.