3.15 Bibliography

Creating a Bibliography Entry - Book

There are many different ways to include a reference source in a bibliography. Here is one suggested way.

When looking at the following bibilography entry for a book, notice the commas, periods, and order of information. It should be:

Last Name, First Name of Author. Title of Book. Publisher. Date Published.

Most of the information can be found on the first few pages of the book.

Below is an image of the inside cover of a book published in 1997. Click on the image for a larger version.


Which of the following would be the correct bibliography entry?

a. Looking at... Troodon, by Laurence Anthony, Gareth Stevens Publishing
b. Anthony, Laurence. Looking at ...Troodon. Gareth Stevens Publishing. 1997.
c. Laurence Anthony. Looking at ...Troodon. Gareth Stevens Publishing. 1997.
d. Looking at ...Troodon. Anthony, Laurence. Gareth Stevens Publishing. 1997.

Do you know why that one is the correct one?