2.2 Reading Projects-Unit 2
Consider again the question posed at the beginning of this unit: So, what experiences have shaped who you are and how you interact with nature?
For your reading project for this unit, choose ONE of the following choices and click on the related page in this book to get more details:
A. Choose a local issue pertaining to nature and the protection of it. It can be with regards to the land or wildlife. Write a letter urging your local government to take action on the issue.
B. Write a creation myth that relates to your city.
C. Create a photo album containing pictures of you enjoying nature and/or pictures that represent your feelings towards nature. Perhaps you were on a hike, bike ride, got a photo of a wild animal or a fantastic scenery. Include a well written paragraph with insight as to why you chose the picture you included in your album. You can use the paragraph you wrote as part of your learning guide for activity 2.6 as a starting point.