2.3 Writer's Workshop: Speech


Now that your outline has been approved by your teacher, you can begin your draft. Open the template and continue on to Step Two: Drafting.

Don't worry about getting things perfect. You will have a chance to get some feedback and work on editing before you submit your final draft.

When you are finished your draft submit it under the drop-box: Persuasion Draft : Unit 2

Once your teacher has marked your draft and given you some feedback on suggestions for revising in your template,  complete the mini-lessons that follow, make your revisions in the template and submit your work to the drop-box: Persuasion Final Draft:  Unit 2.

Remember your writing targets:

  • By the end of this workshop you will have incorporated the following into your piece:
  • A clear opening statement
  • At least three supporting points in your body paragraphs and your speech that are supported.
  • A strong conclusion.