4.8 Space Exploration & Travel

Research and Development

A great deal of money is spent on research and development of space-related technologies. Often there is controversy surrounding projects that require public funding. People debate how limited resources should be divided amongst a wide range of research topics.

Like any other issue, the development of space technologies has supporters and detractors. Some people feel that money could be better spent addressing problems here on Earth. Others will point out that many developments and discoveries in the field of space exploration have benefited other areas of our life here on Earth.

Consumer items such as running shoes and bicycle helmets have improved due to space research. Technologies designed for space have provided better communications and weather satellites that have improved our communications on Earth, and provided ways to monitor and manage pollution.

Space research also influences research in the area of health sciences. Astronauts exposed to zero gravity for extended periods often suffer from health problems. By researching ways to prevent conditions such as osteoporosis in astronauts, those suffering from similar conditions on Earth may one day benefit from the research.