2.3 Elements of a Story - Plot and Theme

Site: Cowichan Valley School District - Moodle
Course: ELA5, CSS, Sferrazza
Book: 2.3 Elements of a Story - Plot and Theme
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Sunday, 19 May 2024, 3:00 PM

Learning Targets

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to say YES to the following questions.

learning target

  • Can I understand the definitions of key elements of a story?
  • Can I identify key elements of a story and understand their importance?


The plot is the series of events that happen in the story.

Plot is broken down into the following stages:

Exposition: Introduces you to the characters and the setting.

Rising Action: All the events that build up to the climax, there is growing conflict that creates suspense.

Climax: The turning point and often the most exciting part of the story.

Falling Action: Shows the aftermath after the turning point as the loose ends are tied up.

Resolution: The ending of the story.

Go To Your Learning Guide

Do the Identify Parts of Plot, Help the Weak Writing!, Make a Simple Plot, and Plot to Paragraphs.


Theme is the message the author is sending the reader.  It must be a complete sentence.

Then, check your ability to identify the different between setting, plot, and theme by clicking here (then come back to your course).

More on Theme

Theme can be hard to identify in a story. This is because the author may not directly say what it is. The message is in the story itself. 

The theme is never just a word. A theme is a sentence.

The theme is a general statement that could apply to any book. It should not have the character's names, the setting, etc. in it.

Here are some examples of theme statements:

True friends will help you even in difficult times.

Consistent and constant practice will help you improve your skills.

Showing people kindness makes you feel better too.

Go to your Short Story Journal and do Journal #6: Theme Statement.

Theme Practice

Quinn saved up his money and bought a big bag of candies. His father said he should eat a few, but not too many. There was enough candy to last several months. But Quinn didn't listen. He took the candy into his room and proceeded to eat the entire bag. He had a hill of wrappers on his floor. When it was dinner time, Quinn said he did not feel hungry. In fact, Quinn felt quite ill.  The next time he bought a bag of candy, Quinn just ate a few.

What is the theme of the story?

a) Quinn ate too many candies and felt sick.

b) Quinn learned he should eat candy in moderation.

c) The theme is about having self restraint.

c) If you have self restraint, you will lead a more balanced and healthier life.