5.9 Writing Your Letter

Site: Cowichan Valley School District - Moodle
Course: ELA5, CSS, Sferrazza
Book: 5.9 Writing Your Letter
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Tuesday, 18 February 2025, 2:51 PM


Can you...

learning target

Learning Targets

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to say YES to the following questions.

  • Can I understand how persuasive writing can be helpful to people in their daily lives?
  • Can I identify how letter writing can make a difference in a society?
  • Can I use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create letters for a variety of purposes and audiences?

learning target



You've already done some pre-writing. You've collected ideas for the parts of your letter in your Learning Guide. You are ready to draft. You can do this in your Learning Guide on the template provided or you can follow the template to complete your draft on your computer. Be sure to save your draft.

Go To Your Learning GuideUse (or follow) the Love Letter Template in your Learning Guide.

Final Important Touches on Your Letter

Now you have written or typed out your rough copy for your letter. Nice work!

The next steps are revising and editing. Read over the following instructions and then carefully go through your writing.




Revising is when you look at the content and ask the following questions:

Is it in the right order?

Did you say everything you wanted to say?

Did you say everything you need to say? **Check the marking breakdown to make sure you have everything you need in your writing.**

Is the information relevant? Do you need more details?

Did I use consistent verb tenses?

What can I add, delete, substitute, or replace to improve my writing?

Add, delete, substitute/replace, or move things as needed.

Review the revised example from your Descriptive Text Unit.

The Wabibli Revised

Your Turn!

Revise your letter. When you think you are done, slowly read it out loud to make sure it makes sense.



Editing is where you look for mistakes in capitalization, grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling.
Remember to keep CUPS in mind as you read over your writing.


Click here to review the example from your Descriptive Writing Unit.

Editing - Spelling

When you edit, the "S" in CUPS stands for spelling. Watch this video for some common spelling mistakes and tips to remember the right way to spell these words.

Editing - Quotation Marks

When you edit, the "P" in CUPS stands for punctuation. Watch this video for tips on how to use quotations if you have any quotes in your letter.

Your Turn!

Complete your edits! Check over the marking criteria. You will be marked for:

Salutation and complimentary close (appropriate, proper capitals and commas)   /2

Friendly, appealing introductory sentence   /3

Having at least three points/claims with convincing details to support them and clear appeal to heart  /10

Proper capitals, usage, punctuation, spelling   /3

Neatness and presentation  /2

Total Mark /20

When you are done, you are ready to submit your work to your teacher to get feedback to improve your final copy.

Once your teacher has given you feedback, then follow suggestions and make the necessary improvements to your letter.

Positive Persuasive Letter Submission

After you have submitted your draft and received teacher feedback, you are almost done. Make the changes your teacher suggested and any other improvements you can make.

Once you have done this, you are ready to submit your final copy for grading.

Submit your work to the 5.9 Final Positive Persuasive Letter drop box.


Publish: Send Your Letters

stationeryOnce you have your submitted your work and received teacher feedback, you are ready to take your letter out into the real world.

There is nothing lovelier and more personal than receiving a handwritten letter. Find some nice paper and write your letter out. You could add some drawings if you want to spruce it up. Then put it in an envelope. You can copy the letter out as many times as you like. It is up to you how many letters you want to send out into the world.

Then with your family or your home facilitator, go take your letters out. You can put them on park benches, in library books, on a bus stop bench, etc. Have fun!

Go to your Persuasive Writing Journal after you have distributed your letters and do Journal #9: Letters.