5.13 Writing Your Script

Site: Cowichan Valley School District - Moodle
Course: ELA5, CSS, Sferrazza
Book: 5.13 Writing Your Script
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Date: Sunday, 19 May 2024, 12:21 PM

Learning Targets

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to say YES to the following questions.

  • Can I understand how persuasive writing can be used to influence people?
  • Can I use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create text for a variety of purposes and audiences?
  • Can I consider different purposes, audiences, and perspectives in exploring texts?
  • Can I transform ideas and information to create original texts?

learning target




You've already done some planning for your script. Now, it is time to put the elements from your Cereal Script Template into a draft that flows and "sounds" like a commercial. You can complete your first draft on your computer or in your Learning Guide. Be sure to include all the elements from your planning in the last lesson.

Final Important Touches on Your Script

Now you have written or typed out your rough copy for your script. Nice work!

The next steps are revising and editing. Read over the following instructions and then carefully go through your writing.


Revising - Transitions

cowThere is a full moon tonight.

Cows are wonderful creatures.

I like ice cream and cheese.

A cow jumped over the moon.

The above sentences are random. They do not connect to each other, and it makes it hard for the reader to understand what is going on.

When you write, you want your sentences to flow one to the other smoothly. You want it to be like water flowing from the tap to fill the bath. You do not want to feel like someone is throwing random buckets of "word" water at you.

To create flow, we use transition words, which can also be called transitions.

They are words or phrases that provide connections between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs.

Here is an example of how transition words can help create good flow:

Cows are wonderful creatures because they provide so much for our society. Many of the popular food products in our stores come from cows. For example, we get beef, milk, cheese, and ice cream from cows. In addition, cows have been the inspiration for literature in our society. Think of the well-know nursery rhyme The Cow Jumped Over the Moon or the cow that Jack sold in Jack and the Beanstalk.

Learn how to use transition words:




Revising is when you look at the content and ask the following questions:

Where will transitions make my script flow better?

Is it in the right order?

Did you say everything you wanted to say?

Did you say everything you need to say? **Check the marking breakdown to make sure you have everything you need in your writing.**

Is the information relevant? Do you need more details?

Did I use consistent verb tenses?

What can I add, delete, substitute, or replace to improve my writing?

Add, delete, substitute/replace, or move things as needed.

Click here to review the revised example from your Descriptive Text Unit.

Your Turn!

Revise your script. When you think you are done, slowly read it out loud to make sure it makes sense. Check if you have all the elements:

1. Address your specific target audience (Dear Parents, Kids!)

2. Have a hook sentence that draws your audience in. It can be a question, a short story, scenario, or interesting statement

3. State your position (You need to buy this awesome cereal because...then include its special properties.)

4. Use persuasive language  and techniques to sell your cereal

  • Remember vivid verbs and active adjectives
  • Have convincing reasons for people to buy your cereal
  • Share the benefits for your audience

5. Tie in the book to your cereal, explain the connection, and/or use a quote from the book

6. Highlight the prize in the box

7. Conclude by restating your position



Editing is where you look for mistakes in capitalization, grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling.
Remember to keep CUPS in mind as you read over your writing.


Click here to review the example from your Descriptive Writing Unit.

Editing - Spelling

When you edit, the "S" in CUPS stands for spelling. Watch this video for some tips to remember the right way to spell these words.

Your Turn!

Complete your edits! When you are done, you are ready to submit your revised and edited draft to your teacher to get feedback to improve your final copy.

Marking Rubric for Script

You will be marked using the following rubric.

Main idea/Topic Sentence
is clear, correctly placed, and is restated in the closing sentence.
3 points
is fairly clear, correctly placed, and is restated in the closing sentence.
2 points
is unclear and/or incorrectly placed, and might not be restated in the closing sentence.
1 point
Does not have a meaningful topic sentence
0 points
Supporting detail
three or more supporting detail sentences that relate back to the main idea.
3 points
two or three supporting detail sentences that relate back to the main idea.
2 points
one or two supporting detail sentences that relate back to the main idea.
1 point
Does not provide supporting detail
0 points
Uses persuasive language and techniques well
3 points
Uses persuasive language and techniques adequately
2 points
Lacking or awkward use of persuasive language and techniques
1 point
Does not provide persuasive language or techniques
0 points
Mechanics and Grammar
Paragraph has no errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
3 points
Paragraph has one or two punctuation, capitalization, and spelling errors.
2 points
Paragraph has three to five punctuation, capitalization, and spelling errors.
1 point
Mechanics and grammar is unacceptable.
0 points

Marking Rubric for Commercial

Read the rubric below to understand how you will be marked. Prepare accordingly.



& Volume

not submitted
0 points
can't always hear, sometimes monotone
1 point
easy to hear, voice attempts to match mood of poem
2 points
adjusts volume and tone of voice effectively to show emotion and/or mood
3 points
Excellent expression with volume and tone used precisely for strong emotional impact
4 points
Clarity & Enunciation
not submitted
0 points
slurs / mumbles/ hurries pronunciation of some words / Beginning or end sound of some words are not clearly pronounced
1 point
articulates most words correctly
2 points
words are spoken (articulated) clearly and pronounced well
3 points
Excellent control of mouth and tongue to pronounce words well
4 points
not submitted
0 points
• Story told at one pace; no excitement, or told too slow or too fast throughout
Story rushed or dragged in several parts
2 points
Story told well, but some parts may be rushed or dragged in some parts
3 points
Story told at the appropriate pace, depending on the story line
4 points
Knows the Story
not submitted
0 points
• Does not know story; reads from notes
1 point
Knows the story pretty well; some practice; may use notes; fairly confident
2 points
Knows the story pretty well; some practice; may use notes; fairly confident
3 points
Knows the story well; has obviously practiced telling the story; uses no notes; speaks with confidence
4 points
Content & Explanation
not submitted
0 points
Limited story content and explanations
1 point
Stories and explanations missing elements or not well explained
2 points
Fair story choices and explanations with some supporting details
3 points
Thoughtful story choices and explanations with clear supporting details
4 points

Cereal Script & Commercial Submission

After you have submitted your draft and gotten teacher feedback, you are almost done. Make the changes your teacher suggested and any other improvements you can make.

Once you have done this, you are ready to submit your final copy for grading.

Submit your work to the 5.14 Cereal Script drop box.

Then you need to do your Commercial and you submit your video recording in a file or link to your 5.14 Cereal Commercial drop box.


Publish: Share Your Commercial

Once you have your submitted your work and received teacher feedback, you can share your commercial with friends and family.