Read: About Your Writer's Notebook

Site: Cowichan Valley School District - Moodle
Course: ELA8, CSS, Sferrazza
Book: Read: About Your Writer's Notebook
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Date: Tuesday, 18 February 2025, 2:06 PM


Information on completing a writer's notebook

The Writer's Workshop

In each unit, you will notice there is an assignment called The Writer's Workshop.

The writer's workshop consists of 2 parts.

1.  The Writer's Notebook.  Please read the following pages for an explanation.

2.  Planning, drafting, and revising a major writing piece.  These assignments will be submitted on their own on the provided templates and are NOT a part of the Writer's Notebook.

Unit Major Writing Piece
1 Personal Narrative Essay
2 Persuasive Writing:  Speech
3 Expository writing:  Blog
4 The Descriptive Essay
5 The Literary Essay

Getting Started

Throughout this course you will be keeping a writer's notebook that will get you to act like a "real" writer and help you to create pieces of writing that are meaningful to you.  There will be teacher-directed entries and your own entries.  You will submit them in the Writer's Notebook dropbox for each unit.

Real writers use a notebook to:

  • keep a record of observations and ideas.
  • start drafts to use for later writing pieces.
  • practice writing techniques.
  • reflect on their writing process.
  • practice writing fluency.

How Do I Do It?

The Writer's Notebook is a tool meant to be useful and meaningful for you. 

1. Your own entries can be:

  • point form
  • drawings
  • diagrams
  • pictures
  • explanations
  • questions
  • ideas 
  • responses to readings
  • parts of a draft
  • clippings 
  • poetry
  • dreams and aspirations
  • anything that you might use someday in a piece of writing

2. Teacher-directed

a. At times you will be given an exercise from class to complete in your writer's notebook. 

Evaluation: Writer's Notebook

Here is an overview of the Writer's Notebook submissions for each unit.  The teacher-directed activities are found in the Writer's Workshop template.  You will submit each unit, so your notebook is a constant work in progress.  

Unit Teacher-Directed Activities Student-Directed Activities

1.1 Elements of a Personal Narrative

1.2 The Climb

1.3 Life Map

1.4 Why We Write

1.5 365 Prompts

1.6 Original Idea


2.1 Hang Up and Drive

2.2 What do you want to write about?

2.3 Original Idea

2.4 Original Idea

2.5 Original Idea

3 There are no teacher-directed entries for this unit.

3.1 Original Idea

3.2 Original Idea

3.3 Original Idea


4.1 Brainstorm

4.2 Mentor Texts

4.3 Original Idea

4.4 Original Idea

4.5 Original Idea


Self-Assessment documents on the Core Competencies.  

See 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3

5.1 Communication

5.2 Thinking

5.3 Personal and Social Responsibility

You will submit your notebook for a mark at the end of each unit. It is easy to get top marks. Just do the following:

  1. Complete at least three of your own entries by the end of the unit.
  2. Complete all teacher-directed entries throughout the unit.  You can use the template.
  3. Show evidence of effort and thought. If you submit a picture or article add a brief note of why. 
  4. Keep it organized. For your own entries write the date and a title that works for you. 

 Evaluation will be based on the Writer's Notebook rubric

Where Do I Write My Entries?

At the beginning of each writer's workshop there will be a template to download.

You can simply complete the word document, save and submit for each unit.

However, to act like a "real writer" you may want to make your writer's notebook personal and use as a tool that works for you.

Ideally you would have a collection of ideas and tips that you could use all the time. Here are some options:

  1. Hand write in a notebook or journal or binder. (Although, you will have to deliver it to your teacher in person then or take good pictures and submit.)
  2. Use a Google document or other online tool (Evernote, Weebly,  etc. and share the link with your teacher when submitting it). 
  3. Create a word document and keep adding to it each time and submit your latest version at the end of each unit. 

Note: This is a private resource that only your teacher will see.