Unit 1 PROJECT and Big Idea Reflection
Site: | Cowichan Valley School District - Moodle |
Course: | English 11, CVOLC, Online, 21-22 |
Book: | Unit 1 PROJECT and Big Idea Reflection |
Printed by: | Guest user |
Date: | Wednesday, 5 February 2025, 12:10 PM |
1. Learning Targets
Learning Target(s):
2. Reconciliation in Canada
The following resources will help you gain a basic understanding of Aboriginal Reconciliation in Canada. In order to deepen your understanding so that you are able to effectively complete this project, you are required to conduct your own research as well, exploring avenues of the topic that are most relevant to your project.
Watch the video below.
3. We Are All One
Watch the video below.
4. Reconciliation Resources
These are suggested resources for your research.
Calls to Action, Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
The Canadian Encyclopedia, "Residential Schools"
More than 200 bodies found at Indigenous School in Canada
Truth and Reconciliation Commission final reports
Truth and Reconciliation Commission FAQs
Truth and Reconciliation Summit video
Smith, Monique Gray. Speaking Our Truth: a Journey of Reconciliation. Victoria, British Columbia: Orca Book Publishers, 2017.
5. ASSIGNMENT 1.8: Communicating Change
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is reconciliation important?
You will be creating your project for our grandparents' or for some great-grandparents' generation. (Those born roughly in 1960 or earlier). This generation, when they were your age, may not have been privileged to have had open dialogue on issues such as this. In many cases, this situation was perfectly acceptable; it wasn't considered an issue at all.
So, how would we communicate the topic of Aboriginal Reconciliation in Canada through our modern lense, in a way that previous generations would understand? A few points to consider as you prepare your expository writing:
- Maintain a respectful approach so that you are not scolding this generation, but helping them to see our new understanding.
- Use formal vocabulary and structure so that your communication is mature and thoughtful.
Go to "1.8 PROJECT: Communicating Change" Assignment on the main page of the course to read a more comprehensive explanation of the assignment to complete this section.
6. ASSIGNMENT 1.9: Big Idea Reflection #1
Go to "1.9 Big Idea Reflection #1" Assignment on the main page of the course to complete this section.