Assignment 4.2: Effective Editorial

Site: Cowichan Valley School District - Moodle
Course: English 11, CVOLC, Online, 21-22
Book: Assignment 4.2: Effective Editorial
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Wednesday, 5 February 2025, 12:15 PM

1. Learning Targets

  Learning Target(s):

  • Recognize and understand how different forms, formats, structures, and features of texts enhance and shape meaning and impact.
  • Evaluate how text structures, literary elements, techniques, and devices enhance and shape meaning and impact.

2. Tone and Mood

When authors get their ideas on paper, it is often the final touches that bring a piece to life.  This section will discuss the techniques used to elevate your writing from "just an assignment" to a piece of art that you are proud of.

The videos and activities below share the difference between Tone and Mood; which both convey emotion, however, from a different origin and for a different purpose.

As you watch these two videos, complete a graphic organizer (T-Chart, Venn Diagram), from the Graphic Organizer folder at the beginning of the course to differentiate between the two.  You have already viewed the mood video in Assignment 3.1.

Practice identifying tone and mood in the worksheet below.  For each example identify the tone, what context clues are used to convey the tone, and the overall mood of the sentence.

Tone and Mood Activity.docx

Tone and Mood Activity.pdf

*DO NOT submit the practice activities

3. Colloquial Language

Colloquialisms and Slang

Colloquial Language is informal language used in everyday speech.

Slang is informal language used by certain groups of people which is created by its users and is more informal than colloquial speech.

Neither are appropriate in academic writing (unless they serve a distinct and measurable purpose in your writing.  For example: in dialogue)

Review and practice editing Colloquialisms here.  Do not submit this practice activity.


Go to "4.2 Effective Editorial" Assignment on the main page of the course to complete this section.