ASSIGNMENT 1.3: Just the Facts
Examine the provided infographic that summarizes Canadian forestry statistics. The question set below will challenge your comprehension, synthesis, and evaluation. In other words, you’ll be asked to understand the infographic, to realize new information, and then to form an opinion about that information. Download and complete the questions below.
Assignment 3 - Just the Facts (.PDF)
Assignment 3 - Just the Facts (.DOCX)
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target(s): Exemplary (6/6): Student demonstrates a strong understanding of the infographic's explicit data. Student effectively synthesizes the data to understand new information that is not present on the infographic. Student forms a rational opinion that is founded on the data and explains it, referring to the data.
Ideas/Content: Exemplary (6/6): Exemplary development of ideas. Connections and content are clear and concise. Accomplishes the purpose with originality, individuality, maturity, and sophistication.
Use the "1.3 Just the Facts" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
Estimated Allotted Time: 20 min