Personal and Social Responsibility
Advertising Responsibly
ASSIGNMENT 4.3: Pitch for Change Campaign
Create a 30-45 second elevator pitch, on video, of your proposed solution to a leading issue in today's world (poverty, equity, LGBTQ+2, water, discrimination, reconciliation, etc.) Be sure to include the issue, your connection, solution and steps your audience can take to help. Keep Ethos, Logos and Pathos in mind to connect your audience to your issue.
The video below is for kindness awareness.
Note: Your video is not required to be to this standard.
- Go here for tips on creating an effective Elevator pitch.
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Targets: Exemplary (6/6): Students can demonstrate critical, creative and reflective thinking to explore ideas within, between, and beyond texts, viewings. Students can recognize and identify the role of personal, social, and cultural contexts, values and perspectives in texts. Students can transform ideas and information to create original texts, using various genres, forms, structures and styles. Pitch shows complexity, creativity of thought and insight; is skillfully written and delivered, utilizing techniques and devices.
Written Expression: Exemplary (6/6): Work has been practiced and there are no errors in speech. Content is complete to assignment requirements and shows specific and thoughtful connections and responses.
Use the "4.3 Pitch for Change Campaign" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
Estimated Allotted Time: 45 minutes