Personal and Social Responsibility
Course Specific Projects
Course Specific Projects:
Below you will see handouts outlining the project specific to your course. Please download the handout that corresponds to your enrolled course. You must only complete the project that corresponds to your course.
Click on your specific course to download your instructions: |
New Media | Composition | Spoken Language | Creative Writing | Literary Studies |
Task: With the skills you have learned in this unit, create a presentation, speech, story, spoken word piece or infographic to share, discuss and propose solutions for an issue you are passionate about.
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess this assignment.
Learning Target(s): Exemplary (6/6): Final project demonstrates a rich understanding of persuasive writing strategies to create meaningful connection to self, text and world; exploring ideas within, between and beyond texts. This understanding results from thorough research and close analysis of texts. Ideas are communicated clearly and respectfully, acknowledging the sensitivity of the given topic, in order to communicate understanding.
Ideas and Content: Exemplary (6/6): Students will demonstrate a strong, convincing point of view. Students will show in depth thought and creative solutions with clear arguments including explanations supporting each argument.
Organization and Conventions: Exemplary (6/6): Students will provide a clear introduction and logical sequence and conclusion. The piece has clearly been edited for spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence fluency.
Research and Connecting Support: Exemplary (6/6): Students show excellent use of research to support chosen topic using MLA Referencing style. Complex connections and original ideas are included that demonstrate student's learning process and growth.
Use the "4.6 PROJECT: Personal Passion Project" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.
Estimated Allotted Time: 2-3 hours