Personal and Cultural Identity
ASSIGNMENT 1: Mirror Writing: Who Am I?
Learning Target (Curricular Competencies):
In 2-3 paragraphs, write about yourself using one of the following formats:
- Mirror writing. Sit in front of a mirror and examine your self closely. If you just met this person in the mirror for the first time, what would be your first impression? What physical features stand out about this person? Now imagine that you have intimate knowledge of this person; that is, you know this person's 'true self.' Are there features of the person's physical appearance that are consistent or inconsistent with his/her true self? Spend some time describing this person's true self. Keep looking back into the mirror as you write your sketch.
- Setting yourself up for a blind date. Your friend (real or imaginary), who knows you very well and who knows your most intimate thoughts, needs to describe you to a person for a blind date. Your potential dating partner really wants to know what "type" of person you are before agreeing to go on a date with you. What do you look like? What kind of family did you grow up in? What are your interests, hobbies, and values? What is your personality like? What are your dreams and aspirations? What are your quirks or atypical features, if any? These are the sorts of things your friend needs to describe about you.
- Write yourself as a character in a story. Write as if you are a character in a story. Use third-person point of view. Write a simple scene where the character has something happen. Describe how they look, their background and have the character act in a certain way as you would.
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target: Exemplary (6/6): Exemplary comprehension of the task and clear accomplishment of the objective. Character has been skillfully developed using specific details (looks, background and traits).
Written Expression: Exemplary (6/6): Sentence structure and vocabulary are varied, skillfully written, and carefully chosen. Work has been proofread and there are few or no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Content contributes to the central idea and makes insightful connections with logical organization.
Use the "3.1 Mirror Writing: Who Am I?" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.