Focused Literary Studies Introduction

Advice for Success: Top 10 List

After years of teaching online English courses, I have compiled a top ten list for success in the course... here goes...

#1:  Communication.  Read the messages your teacher sends.  Email or message back right away when you have questions.  Don't get stuck.

#2:  Read the assignment details AND the criteria in the rubric before submitting your work.

#3:  Use the provided graphic organizers to brainstorm and organize your work.  No one writes a perfect first draft.

#4:  Proofread and then edit AGAIN before you submit your work.

#5:  Start your novel study (the final section) right away.  Do NOT leave this till the last minute.

#6:  Collaborate with friends either online or face-to-face.  Ask for advice.

#7:  Use the material in the course to help you.  Click on the hyperlinks.  They are there for you.

#8:  Develop a plan for completion.  Everybody needs deadlines.

#9:  Did I say start your novel study right away?  I can't really emphasize that more.

#10:  Communicate!!  Seriously, ask lots of questions. If you want to do a different type of assignment or question, you only need ask.  Choice is an important part of English Language Arts 10.