Personal and Cultural Identity
ASSIGNMENT 2: Personal Identity
Learning Target (Curricular Competencies):
Personal identity is the concept you develop about yourself that evolves over the course of your life. This may include aspects of your life that you have no control over, such as where you grew up or the color of your skin, as well as choices you make in life, such as how you spend your time and what you believe. You demonstrate portions of your personal identity outwardly through what you wear and how you interact with other people. You may also keep some elements of your personal identity to yourself, even when these parts of yourself are very important.
Have you ever struggled with the question, 'Who am I?' or thought about who you might become in the future? These questions have been thought about and discussed throughout history, in particular by philosophers who have immersed themselves in the search for knowledge about the nature of being human. Such questions as, 'What does it mean to be a person?' and 'Do I matter?' have engaged key thinkers and created conversations that we still grapple with in our society. Most people feel they want to endure in some way, both in their lives and beyond death. The philosophy of personal identity aims to address these matters of existence and how we even know we exist through time.
Create a project that sums up your response to "What does it mean to be me?" Choose one of the following options.
1. Develop a poetry journal that includes your response to how you feel about yourself. You should include at least 5 poems. Make the presentation reflect your personality. There are many different platforms you can use to present your journal.
2. Write a commercial that advertises "What does it mean to be me?" Include at least 5 visuals and accompanying text that explains why you chose these images. You can use Microsoft Movie Maker or iMovie or any video editing software you like.
3. Develop a presentation of at least 5 songs that best represent your response to "What does it mean to be me?" Include the lyrics and accompanying text that explains why you chose these songs. You can use any presentation software you like. Powerpoint is probably easiest.
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target: (Exemplary 6/6): Exemplary comprehension of the task and clear accomplishment of the objective. Exemplary use of design processes and formats to communicate a visual representation of personal identity and to explore how language constructs personal identity. Student constructs clear and meaningful personal connections to self, text, and world. Original ideas are included in a thoughtful and creative presentation that demonstrates self-exploration.
Written Expression: Exemplary (6/6): Sentence structure and vocabulary are varied, skillfully written, and carefully chosen. Work has been proofread and there are few or no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Content contributes to the central idea and makes insightful connections with logical organization.
Use the "3.2 Personal Identity" link on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.