1.3 Strategies During Reading

Can you...

learning target

Your Turn!

Now it is your turn. You are going to take notes on adjectives. Use the Strategies During Reading poster to guide you and give you ideas about what to record.

You will need to go this page about adjectives for this assignment.

You have a choice about how you create your notes and images. You can write or type your notes. You can draw images (as in quick sketches, not art projects) or glue on pictures from magazines or the Internet. You could also choose to do your notes in a word document and add pictures from the Internet (with home facilitator approval).

Ideally for all your online courses, you are taking notes and making images on paper or in your mind as you read. This will help you process the information and provide study notes for you later.

Check your work over for spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation. You can write notes in point form.

Keep this work as you will need to use it to create a poster and to hand in as well.

Submit your finished work at 


1.3 - 1.4 Your Turn: Reading Strategies Assignments .