1.7 Parts of Speech - Part One

Nouns Before Pronouns

Use the common or proper noun in the first instance, before you use a pronoun in your descriptive writing.

Example: Ahmed won an award for his nature photographs. He beamed with excitement as he walked up to the stage.

Pronoun as Subject Pronoun as Object Possessive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun
I me mine myself
you (singular) you yours yourself
she her hers herself
he him his himself
it it its itself
we us ours ourselves
you (plural) you yours yourselves
they them theirs themselves

Know what pronouns are and keep track of how many you use. Combine sentences if you notice a repeat of pronouns.

Example: Her name is Taina. She has black hair. She has brown eyes. She has a ponytail.

Try instead...

Taina has brown eyes, and black hair in a ponytail.