4.7 "Show, Don't Tell" and Free Verse
Show, Don't Tell - Try It!
What are the secrets to "showing" a scene? You learned this in Unit 1!
- Use specific details.
- Use strong action verbs. Enhance them with creatively applied adverbs.
- Use interesting nouns. Describe them with tantalizing adjectives!
- Use imagery to create a picture.
These details breathe life into your writing and project the reader into the scene and become a part of it.
In your Learning Guide, in Show, Don't Tell Rewrites, you will rewrite three of the following as "showing sentences" so that they become "telling sentences". Choose from:
- He eats like a horse.
- A student’s life is hard.
- The car was old.
- My room is a mess.
- The streets were crowded.
- Camping is a rewarding experience.