Unit 3 PROJECT and Big Idea Reflection

4. ASSIGNMENT 3.8 PROJECT: Experiences Shape Identity

ESSENTIAL QUESTION:  How do our experiences shape our identities?


For this project, you will explore how our experiences shape our identities - personal, social, and cultural.  How does one's identity construct meaningful and personal connections with self, text, and the world?  You will use the provided resources to analyze texts and communicate your understanding of what these resources have to say about how our experiences define us.  You will also analyze your own resource selections and communicate your personal connections with self, text, and the world.  You can review these 3 types of personal connections from the Independent Novel Study book on the main page of the course.

All students will be required to:

  • Use the skills that you have developed in this course.

  • Research the given topic so that you become an expert on it.

  • Keep an MLA-style works cited list that will be turned in with your final product.

  • Develop a descriptive product that creates a clear image of the main idea.

Go to "3.8 PROJECT:  Experiences Shape Identity" Assignment on the main page of the course to read a more comprehensive explanation of the assignment to complete this section.