4.6 Astronomical Data & Collection Methods

Space Technology

Cassini Spacecraft & Exploration of Saturn

NASA's Cassini spacecraft is back in contact with Earth after its successful first-ever dive through the narrow gap between the planet Saturn and its rings on April 26, 2017. The spacecraft is in the process of beaming back science and engineering data collected during its passage, via NASA's Deep Space Network Goldstone Complex in California's Mojave Desert.

After almost 20 years in space, NASA's Cassini spacecraft begins the final chapter of its remarkable story of exploration: its Grand Finale. Following a final close flyby of Saturn's moon Titan, Cassini has leapt over the planet's icy rings and began a series of 22 weekly dives between the planet and the rings.

End of Mission: 15 Sep 2017 No other mission has ever explored this unique region. What we learn from these final orbits will help to improve our understanding of how giant planets – and planetary systems everywhere – form and evolve.