Earth Science Projects

Expanding Universe Demonstration


A common analogy used to model the Universe is the balloon model. Stickers stuck on the surface of a balloon represent galaxies in our Universe and the balloon itself represents space. When the balloon is blown up, it simulates how space between the galaxies is thought to be expanding. (Note that the galaxies are not all on the outside of the Universe as the balloon analogy suggests.)

Project Timing:

30 minutes


• Black or white balloon

• White or coloured circular stickers

• Black felt pen

• String

• Ruler


• Draw and label galaxies of different shapes and sizes on separate stickers.

• Blow up the balloon to a diameter of about 22cm, and stick the galaxy stickers all over the balloon.

• Shrink the balloon to about 10cm.

• Use the string and ruler to measure the distances between the labelled galaxies.

• Blow the balloon up fully to demonstrate how space is thought to be expanding.

Measure the new distances between the galaxies. Tabulate your results for easy comparison. 

Project Submission:

Make a short video or take photographs of this simulation and submit it to the project dropbox along with the measurements you tabulated.