Earth Science Projects

Telescopes from the Ground Up


The knowledge of celestial bodies that we have today is based on thousands of years of observation and calculation. Observations were made a great deal easier with the invention of the telescope. The website below traces the history of telescope development and highlights the interplay between technological and scientific advances. Milestones in telescope development are highlighted in the 10 sections called ‘eras’, with specific examples included in the associated ‘telescope pages’. The biography pages provide a glimpse of the inventors and astronomers behind the telescopes. The science of light and telescopes is presented in the section ‘Get to the root of it’.


• Internet access. Go to the ‘Telescopes from the Ground Up’ web site:

• Poster paper

• Printer

• Writing materials


• Work through ‘Telescopes from the Ground Up’ independently or in pairs. Note the different topics relating to telescopes and the science and history behind their development.

• Decide on a topic about telescopes for a poster that you will design.

• Think about how much text you will include and the number of diagrams that will support your text.

Note: You can only use information and diagrams from this website. Any information used must be summarised in your own words.

• Design the poster so that it provides a good summary of a topic from the website and looks interesting when pinned on the wall or presented electronically.

Project Submission: 

Submit your poster electronically or hand-in the hard copy to your instructor.