Creative and Critical Thinking

ASSIGNMENT 7: Response FORUM: Cyberbully

Learning Target (Curricular Competencies):

  • Respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways
  • Construct meaningful personal connections between self, text, and world
  • Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understanding and extend thinking


For your first response forum, discuss cyberbullying.

Read the article "The Top 6 Unforgettable Cyberbullying Cases Ever". Consider these cases as you answer the questions below. If you don't have a personal example to discuss or you don't want to discuss it in a forum, then respond to one of the cases in this article.

1. Do you know anyone who has been bullied online? Have you ever been bullied online? What effects can cyberbullying have on the victim?

2. How is cyberbullying different from other forms of bullying? Why do you think some people bully others online?

3. What is the best way to take away a bully's power over you? What is the worst way to react to cyberbullying?

4. How does it make you feel when you see someone else being bullied? Does bullying behavior make the bully more or less popular?

5. Type in "Cyberbully Conversation Starter" in a search engine to access more questions to get your conversation going.


There are TWO activities in a FORUM:

    1. Go to the main page of the course and click on 1.7 Response Forum.  Start a new discussion topic by clicking on Add a New Discussion Topic.
    2. Reply/Respond to someone else's discussion topic by clicking on their topic and selecting Reply.  Your response should provide an analysis of the discussion in the post and some original ideas. Try using the following prompts to guide your response to another post.  "I wonder…"  "I know…"  "I can…"  Don't just agree or disagree.

Assessment:  Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.  

Learning Target: (Exemplary 6/6): Exemplary comprehension of the task and clear accomplishment of the objective.  Ideas generated are thoughtful and unique.   All activities are complete.  Content contributes to the central idea and makes insightful connections with logical organization. Student demonstrates exemplary active reading skills to comprehend and respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways.

Response/Reply:  Exemplary (6/6):  The response/reply is thoughtful, insightful and respectfully exchanges ideas and viewpoints.  Student demonstrates an exceptional level of understanding and communication of shared information. 


Use the "1.7 Response Forumlink on the main page of this section of the course to post your forum response to your teacher for marking.