
Summary Explanation of Assignments

Here is a quick overview of the assignments for this unit.  However, be sure you read over the specific assignment instructions that follow for each one.  Review the marking rubrics for the assignments before you start.

ASSIGNMENT 1: Storytelling and Theme

  Listen and follow along to the story Granddaughter was Eaten by a Big Fish paying attention to the nuances of voice and structure in First Peoples storytelling.  But as you read and listen to the recording, think about the message or lesson of the story.  What is the theme? 

ASSIGNMENT 2: Expository Writing

    It is important to know how to communicate clearly and effectively.  Expository writing should be concise and accurately state your main idea.  Be sure to read over the information on how to write effective expository papers.

ASSIGNMENT 3: Online Writing

     Construct posts for Facebook, Twitter, and a blog practicing the concise writing skills you have developed in the lesson.

ASSIGNMENT 4: Reputation Management Plan

     As you venture more into the world of social media, it is important to develop a plan.  How do you want to be known on social media?  Create a reputation management plan.

ASSIGNMENT 5: Ad Campaign

     Research on online ad campaign and explain how social media is used.  Evaluate the effectiveness of their online promotion.  What tools were used in the campaign? Was the message clear?  Do you believe the target audience was reached? Discuss the globalization of the media industry.


     Demonstrate your learning of storytelling by pulling together all of your brainstorming into a coherent and structured plot outline.  Make sure you know what a good plot diagram looks like.


     With the growth of text messaging and social media, correct punctuation and grammar have taken a back seat to new language like LOL, gtg, btw, etc..  Capitalization and other grammar conventions are sometimes lost in the haste of typing a post on the phone.  Take a look at the examples provided and then write your own scenario.

ASSIGNMENT 8: PROJECT:  Producing a Short Story

    Develop a short story documentary into your own format.