Personal and Cultural Identity

ASSIGNMENT 2: Epiphany

Learning Target (Curricular Competencies):

  • Recognize and appreciate how different forms, formats, structures, and features of texts enhance and shape meaning and impact
  • Respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways
  • Transform ideas and information to create original texts


An epiphany is a sudden realization or recognition. It's often life-altering. Write a poem or short story where an epiphany takes place. Or, write about a personal experience where the veil fell from your eyes and suddenly you saw the world in a new and profound way.

Assessment:  Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.  

Learning Target: (Exemplary 6/6): Exemplary comprehension of the task and clear accomplishment of the objective.  Student demonstrates critical, creative, and reflective thinking to share an epiphany recognizing how different features and forms of texts enhance and shape meaning and impact. Exemplary development of ideas.  Accomplishes the purpose with originality, individuality, maturity, and sophistication.

Written Expression:  Exemplary (6/6):  Sentence structure and vocabulary are varied, skillfully written, and carefully chosen.  Work has been proofread and there are few or no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.  Content contributes to the central idea and makes insightful connections with logical organization.


Use the "3.2 Epiphanylink on the main page of this section of the course to upload your assignment to your teacher for marking.