1.6 Descriptive Text

Descriptive Writing

Descriptive Writing Is Everywhere

Writing that creates a picture in your mind is called descriptive text. 

Writers of all walks of life use descriptive writing.

An autobiographer hopes to give you a window into his or her true life story.

A mystery novelist wants you to spot the possible clues as you read along in the novel.

A science fiction writer wants you to experience life on an alien planet.

You can enjoy and write descriptive text, too!

Go to your Descriptive Writing Journal and complete Journal #1: Your Favourite Book.

https://img01.deviantart.net/5829/i/2008/054/2/f/green_aliens_by_kungfuat.jpg Green Aliens by Kungfuat on Deviantart.net

Green Aliens by Kungfuat via Deviantart.net