1.6 Descriptive Text

Descriptive Writing

Description and Detail

The second set of sentences had more description and detail that provided context clues. That helped you to build mental images to figure out what these words meant. That's why good description in writing is so important. Not only were the first set of sentences pretty basic and boring, they didn't help you to create any mental imagery.

Creating pictures in your mind (also known as visualizing) helps you to understand and connect with your reading material. Reading books that have good descriptive writing helps you to learn new words and learn about new worlds. It's also one of the best ways to improve your vocabulary and grammar skills.

As a writer, you want to be descriptive. You want to engage your readers and help them build pictures in their minds so they will connect to and understand your words and thoughts.

*Halq'eméylem is the language of the Stó:l? who are the First Nations of the Fraser Valley.

To learn more about the Halq'eméylem language, click here.

Now go to your Descriptive Writing Journal and complete Journal #2: Get Descriptive.

Female mallard duck by Andrew Schmidt via PublicDomainPictures.net

Female Mallard Duck by Andrew Schmidt via PublicDomainPictures.net