1.7 Parts of Speech - Part One

Use Active & Adventurous Adjectives

Adjectives: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Bad is bad.

Good is bad.

Ugly is bad.

And one of the worst offenders is nice.

They’re bad because they’re overused. Avoid using these adjectives in your descriptive writing.

Choose more active and adventurous adjectives.

To search out these new exciting adjectives, use the synonym feature in the spelling/grammar checker from your word-processing program or use one of the many free synonym finder sites online (with adult approval). You can also grab a thesaurus - yes, a real book! If you don't have one, see if you can sign one out from the local library.

P.S. A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.


Thesaurus by Ray MacLean via Flickr

Go To Your Learning Guide Go to your Learning Guide and complete the task titled, Adjective Challenge.