1.12 Writing Process - Describe an Animal

Describe An Animal Assignment


Your assignment:

To choose any animal on the planet and describe it.

It can be your favourite animal, a scary animal, the strangest animal, the most beautiful animal, etc. It can be a pet or a creature from the wild.

After you read and learn about the writing process (explained in this online lesson book), feel free to do some research about the animal to help you describe it better. Use the "Descriptive Writing Checklist" (below) to ensure you have as many of the descriptive writing parts of speech and literary devices as possible in your work. 

**Do all the steps in the writing process, which you will read next in this lesson, to create your exciting, stupendous description of an animal.**

Aim to write at least two paragraphs.

You must hand in your work for all levels of the writing process:

1) Graphic organizer - choose one of the organizers to fill out

2) Rough draft - should have mistakes in it

3) Revised copy - highlight the words and places where you made changes

4) Edited copy - highlight the words and places where you made changes

5) Final copy - should look significantly different from your draft

Read through this ENTIRE lesson book BEFORE doing this assignment. Be sure to read the Marking Rubric (on the next page) BEFORE you start your work so you know how you will be marked.

When you have done all the above, then submit your work to the Unit 1 - Describe an Animal Writing Assignment