2.5 Literature & Genres

Humour Fiction

The goal of humour fiction is make you smile and laugh. The setting is often the present day. The main character is usually the person who is the target of hilarious troubles or the one who is causing them.

Although comedy fiction (as it is also known as) aims to be funny, there can still be a serious message or events that happen in the story.

How to Outrun a Crocodile

An example is How to Outrun a Crocodile When Your Shoes Are Untied by Canadian author Jess Keating.

“Twelve-year-old Ana’s social life is officially on the endangered list: she lives in a zoo (mmm, elephant droppings!), her best friend has moved to New Zealand, and junior high is miserable. All Ana wants is to fade into the background. Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Luckily, Ana finds new friends who help her discover her true seventh-grade self and even help her pass her math finals!”1

1 From The Canadian Children’s Book Centre

-image used with author permission.