2.5 Literature & Genres

Science Fiction

WakeScience fiction is about imagined innovations in science or technology.  It may include ideas and inventions that do not exist, but there is a basis in real scientific principles or theories.

Authors may research a specific branch of science and then make predictions about what it could lead to in the future – and how it could impact society. The plot often revolves around events or problems that have not happened before.

The setting is often in the future, and it can also be in another universe or even another dimension.

An example is Wake by Canadian author Robert J. Sawyer who is known worldwide for his work in the science fiction field.

Caitlin Decter is your everyday teenager who happens to be a genius at math and blind. Scientists have created a new implant to restore sight, and she is one of the first people to get it. Through this device she is able to see the world of the Internet in a way no one else can see. She is also able to sense a mysterious consciousness -- that is growing in cyberspace.

-image used with author permission.