2.10 You're the Author - Revising & Editing

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learning target

Marking Rubric

This is the marking rubric that will be used to mark your work. Read through it to make sure your story meets expectations.

Strong character(s), clear conflict, and theme that are supported by story events and details. Clear beginning, middle and conclusion.
4 points
Characters, conflict, and theme evident, but the supporting information is general. May need a stronger introduction or conclusion.
3 points
Characters, conflict, and theme are somewhat clear, but there is a need for more supporting information. Introduction and conclusion may be awkward, weak, or missing.
2 points
The story is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information.
1 point
Not submitted
0 points
The events and details of the story are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively keeps the interest of the reader.
4 points
Events and details are placed in a logical order, but the way in which they are presented/introduced sometimes makes the writing less interesting.
3 points
Some events and details are not in a logical or expected order, OR some details are missing and this distracts the reader.
2 points
Many events details are not in a logical or expected order. There is little sense that the writing is organized.
1 point
Not submitted
0 points
Word Choice
Writer uses many sensory details, specific nouns, exact verbs, and effective comparisons.
4 points
Writer uses some sensory details, specific nouns, exact verbs, and effective comparisons.
3 points
Writer attempts to use sensory details, specific nouns, exact verbs, and effective comparisons.
2 points
Writer uses almost no sensory details, specific nouns, exact verbs, or effective comparisons.
1 point
Not submitted
0 points
Final copy has no errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
4 points
Final copy has a few errors, but they don't interfere with understanding the content.
3 points
Final copy has multiple errors that may make it hard to understand.
2 points
Work has obviously not been edited or proofread.
1 point
Not submitted
0 points
Writing Process Evidence
All steps of the writing process included: story planning sheets, plotting action sheets 1-3, conclusion sheet, revised copy, edited copy, and final copy.
4 points
Missing one of the steps of the writing process.
3 points
Missing more than one of the steps of the writing process.
2 points
Only one piece of writing handed in.
1 point
Not submitted
0 points